Data on TV viewership and ratings for the first 24 seasons of the UK TV show "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here". Viewership and rankings data is linked on the season wikipedia pages but comes from BARB ratings for each week.
A data frame with 458 rows and 6 columns:
- season
(numeric) Season of the show
- episode
(numeric) Episode of the season
- date
(Date) Date the episode was aired
- viewership_millions
(numeric) The total reported viewership for the episode in millions, including on ITV HD and ITV+1 where available
- weekly_uk_tv_rank
(numeric) Available for seasons 1-9, this is where the episode ranked among all shows on UK TV that week
- weekly_itv_rank
(numeric) Available for seasons 10-24, this is where the episode ranked among all shows on ITV that week